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 News Archive 2020

35 total cases of the Coronavirus confirmed in the United States
by Nathan'ette Burdine: February 23, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that there are a total of 35 cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States.

There are 33 cases involving individuals who came in contact with an infected person outside of the United States, and 2 cases involving individuals who infected others with the virus while in the United States. The CDC breaks down the numbers as follows:

    Confirmed Cases in the United States
    Travel-related-12, Person-to-Person-2, Total Confirmed cases-14

    COVID-19-Persons Repatriated to the United States and
    Tested by the CDC

    Wuhan, China-3, Diamond Princess Cruise Ship-18.

The spread of the Coronavirus began in Wuhan, China, and has claimed more than 1,500 lives. The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan are the other countries that have reported cases of the Coronavirus.

Related-CDC warned earlier on that there could be a coronavirus outbreak

A person can contract the virus from another person if he is within six feet of the infected person. The virus generally spreads whenever the infected person coughs or sneezes on those who are within six feet of him. It takes between 2 to 14 days for symptoms of the virus to appear. Symptoms include coughing, a fever, or shortness of breath.

There is no vaccine for the virus. The CDC recommends to those who are showing symptoms of the Coronavirus to go to their nearest health care provider to seek treatment.

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